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Colour Run Waiver

In order for all runners to participate in the St. Finian’s School PTFA Colour Run Challenge, you must complete the following waiver prior to the event.


1. I am aged 18 years or above and wish for all runners registered as per the 'Colour Run Registration' Form to participate in the St. Finian’s School PTFA Colour Run Challenge and I am the parent/legal guardian of the registered child/children who is/are under the age of 18. I wish for all runners named to participate in the Colour Run on17th May 2024.


2. I agree that my child/children and all runners named will participate in the Colour Run Challenge in accordance with the specific safety rules clearly explained by the PTFA marshals/school staff at the beginning of the challenge.


3. I understand that participating in the St. Finian’s School PTFA Colour Run Challenge is a potentially hazardous activity where coloured powder will be thrown at and around my child/children and all runners named during the event. However, I understand that the powder is not harmful to people, animals or plant life.


4. I agree that my child/children and all runners named will wear any safety equipment outlined by the St. Finian’s School PTFA Colour Run Challenge. In accordance with the safety instructions and risk assessment, all participants must wear protective eyewear, which will be provided. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in the participation being denied.


5. I confirm that my child/children and all runners named is/are in good physical condition and has/have no medical impairments that may prevent them from participating in the activity. If I have any concerns about their physical condition, I will consult my doctor before participating in the activity and inform the PTFA marshals straight away.


6. I agree to photographs being taken of my child/children and all runners named and used in any marketing or promotional material.


7. I acknowledge that participation in the activity may be physically demanding and that there are risks of injury.

8. In the event of non-attendance (including, but not limited to, illness and injury), I understand that no refunds will be given.


9. I hereby indemnify St. Finian’s School PTFA against all claims made by any other person against St. Finian’s School PTFA and St. Finian’s School in respect of any injury, loss or damage arising out of or in connection with my failure to comply with the safety instructions and/or directions given by the school staff.

10. I agree that my child/children and all runners named will be supervised at all times and accept all responsibility from any incident that may arise.


11. I acknowledge that I have read, fully understood and agree with all of the above prior to signing below.


Please complete the below to confirm you that have read and agreed to the above.

Thank you. This message confirms we have received your completed waiver form.

Welcome to St. Finian's PTFA

© 2020-2025 Website Designed by Sonja Whatson Photography

All photos property of Sonja Whatson Photography. Images may not be used or reproduced unless permission has been granted.

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